achtundsechzig Jun 24, 2008 19:32
i'm gonna stab a bitch, i shoot, destroying things, greed plz, okay maybe i am greed's girlfriend, breaking shit, pissed, shooting up the place, greed is mine, i love blood, lol uproar, my bb greed, i'm a dangerous man, gtfo assholes, mine mine mine, gimme my tousan, greed+gio=otp? y/n?, i will destroy you, ilugreedbb, gio = depressed, i'm not greed's girlfriend, greed is my bb, greed = tousan, don't go there, will hurt you k?, please avoid, i kill people lots
achtundsechzig Jun 16, 2008 23:41
mmm fun, gd that was fun, okay maybe i am greed's girlfriend, luki and noki, nill, approach with caution, oh i could do that again, hardcore twins, yeaaaaah man, i got to play with my puppy, oh god what fun, giokaasan, ilugreedbb, here puppy puppy, ilu cerberus rly, let's do it again, oh hell yes, heine, greed is my bb, heine's mine to break, pyramid head is funny, i shoot, masochist, i luv my puppy, kaa-san speaking, i love blood, lol uproar, my lolis not yours, devil's nest, brother, pyramid head, greed+gio=otp? y/n?, note to daddy, greed, oh here puppy, sadist, lolololol heine, murder is funny, i'm not greed's girlfriend, dog!heine, heine's a dumbass, luki, greed = tousan, puppy let's play, violence
achtundsechzig May 12, 2008 00:30
okay maybe i am greed's girlfriend, love is not obsession giovanni, gio's very calm, kaa-san speaking, lol uproar, love is what he calls it, mother i need you, must be the mother of devil's nest, he's talking to mother, mother's more important than heine, family, mother's day, mother complex doesn't start to describe, gio = depressed, mother where are you, whee that was fucked up
achtundsechzig Apr 06, 2008 00:42
i'm not greed's girlfriend, stfu not dancing, who cares, murder is funny, i kill people lots, lol uproar